Recent activity by nocturnal123

1 answer
What would be the number of super keys for a relation R with “n” attributes? NOTE: Any attribute can be the candidate key.
6 answers
A five digit number is formed using the digits $1,3,5,7$ and $9$ without repeating any of them. What is the sum of all such possible five digit numbers?$6666660$ $6666600...
1 answer
The current population of a city is $11,02,500$ . If it has been increasing at the rate of $5\%$ per annum, what was its population $2$ years ago?$9,92,500$$9,95,006$$10,...
4 answers
The Headmaster ___________ to speak to you. Which of the following options is incorrect to complete the above sentence? is wanting wants want was wanting
7 answers
The rank of the following $(n+1) \times (n+1)$ matrix, where $a$ is a real number is $$ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & a & a^2 & \dots & a^n \\ 1 & a & a^2 & \dots & a^n \\ \vdots ...
5 answers
3 answers
It takes two hours for a person $X$ to mow the lawn. $Y$ can mow the same lawn in four hours. How long (in minutes) will it take $X$ and $Y,$ if they work together to mow...
6 answers
4 answers
Consider a function $f(x) = 1- |x| \text{ on } -1 \leq x \leq 1$. The value of $x$ at which the function attains a maximum, and the maximum value of the function are:$0, ...
4 answers
Let $A, B, C, D$ be $n \times n$ matrices, each with non-zero determinant. If $ABCD = I$, then $B^{-1}$ is $D^{-1}C^{-1}A^{-1}$ $CDA$ $ADC$ Does not necessarily e...
1 answer
In the software testing, the behavioural testing is calledWhite box testingBlack box testingMutation testingIntegration testing
0 answers
plzzz explain how this code is executed
2 answers
What is the difference between $SLR(1)$ and $LALR(1)$ parser ? Both parser have same parsing table then how $SLR$ is subset of $LALR$ ?