1 answer
Which is better MNNIT CSE or DTU CSE?My first concern is placement.
2 answers
Which is better to join for mtech in cse lower nits after nit nagpur or DTU??
0 answers
what is the least gate score of the candidates who recieved admission offers from bits hyderabad,goa in 2nd iteration?
0 answers
I wanted to ask whether there is someone with marks less than 120 who got selected in bits campuses before and after 2nd iteration.Everyone who replies..plz specify your ...
0 answers
Any reviews for nit kurukshetra?How is the college for mtech cse?
1 answer
I got Selected for BITS Pilani SS. Should I go for it or wait for one year to give gate again to get IITs. ?Repaying loan of 10Lac which i will take for BITS is getting m...