Recent activity by pilluverma123

2 answers
Let $T(n) = T(n-1) + \frac{1}{n} , T(1) = 1 ;$ then $T(n) = ? $$O(n^{2})$$O(logn)$$O(nlogn)$$O(n^{2}logn)$
1 answer
if we have $n$ consecutive $1s$ in binary then its magnitude is $2^n -1$similarly ,do we have any short cut like ,if we have $n$ consecutive $1s$ after a decimal point...
2 answers
Q1. Find 1's and 2's complement of decimal number of 15Q2. Find 1's and 2's complement of decimal number of -15Answer with Explanation will be welcomed. :)
1 answer
In a $200m$ race,$A$ beats $B$ by $20m$.B beates $C$ by $10m$ in a $250m$ race.By how many meters will $A$ beat $C$ in a $1 km$ race?
3 answers
If $A$ and $B$ run at $6km/hr$ and $12 km/hr$ on a circular track $6 km$ long.When will they meet for the first time if they are running in opposite direction?
1 answer
1 answer
Which is more powerful :- 2-way Non-Deterministic Pushdown Machine(NDPDM) or 2-way Deterministic Pushdown Machine(DPDM) ? (or) Do both machine models have the same power ...
1 answer
Let $A$ = $[a_{ij}]$, $1{\leq}i$, $j{\leq}n$, with $n{\geq}3$ and $a_{ij}$ = $i.j$. Then the rank of $A$ isA. $0$B. $1$C. $n-1$D. $n$
1 answer
Let P ≠ 0 be a 3 × 3 real matrix. There exist linearly independent vectors x and y such that Px = 0 and Py = 0. The dimension of the range space of P is [IE: GATE-2009...
1 answer
A is m×n full rank matrix with m>n and 1 is an identity matrix. Let matrix A’ = (ATA)-1 AT. Then which one of the following statement is FALSE?(a) AA’A = A (b) (AA�...
2 answers
If w cube root of – 1, then find value of deteminant [1 −w w2] ...
1 answer
Q)If a is 15, then what would be the value of:printf("%d , %d , %d , %d ", ++a , a++, a , a );A)16,16,16,16 B)15,13,15,15C)16,15,14,14 D)16,16,14,14