1 answer
Which one of the following pramanas has been accepted in Buddhism?ArthapattiAnupalabdhiS’abdaPratyaksha
1 answer
Which of the following are used to generate a message digest by the network security protocols? (P)SHA-256(Q)AES(R)DES(S)MD5P and S onlyP and Q only R and S onlyP and R o...
1 answer
A computer with $32$-$bit$ word size uses ${2}'s$ complement to represent numbers, The range of integersthat can be represented by this computer is$-2^{32}$ to $2^{32}$$-...
1 answer
The condition for total participation of entity in a relationship is _______.Maximum cardinality should be oneMinimum cardinality should be oneMinimum cardinality should ...
0 answers
I got admission in NIT BHOPAL should i go for it??Which one is better NIT bhopal OR DAIICT gandhinagar???please replay...
7 answers
1 answer
Calculate the size of a square matrix (n × n) where the elements are present at (i + j) ≥ n + 1what is the size of a matrix? is it not n^2
0 answers
The given answer is A) but option A) produces the string "ab" which is not produced by the above grammar so how can the answer be A) ?
2 answers
How many multiples of $6$ are there between the following pairs of numbers?$0$ and $100$ and $-6$ and $34$$1$ and $6$$17$ and $6$$17$ and $7$$16$ and $7$
1 answer
What are the factors to improve CPU Utilization? List Them.
4 answers
Suppose there are 4 sorted lists of 8 elements each. If we merge these lists into a single sorted list of 32 elements. The key comparisons that are needed in the worst ca...
1 answer
0 answers
#plz explain??? how its pointing to insertion sort???
0 answers
#include <IOStream.H>void print(char c){*c="MY MY";}void main(){char *p="YOUR";print(&p);cout<<p;}(a) YOUR (b) NULL String(c) MY MY (d) No Output-error
1 answer
A room 5 m 44 cm long and 3 m 74 cm broad needs to be paved with square tiles. What will be the least number of square tiles required to cover the floor?
2 answers
Consider the following grammar:$S \rightarrow S$$S \rightarrow SS \mid a \mid \epsilon$Indicate the shift-reduce and reduce-reduce conflict (if any) in the various states...