0 votes
let S={1,2,...,100}. The number of nonempty subsets A of S such that the product of elements in A is even is
2 votes
consider the quadratic equation of the form x2+bx+c=0.The number of such equations that have real roots and coefficients b and c from the set{1,2,3,4,5} (b and c may be e...
2 votes
The number of functions f from {1,2,...,20} into {1,2,....,20} such that f(k) is a multiple of 3 whenever k is a multiple of 4 is
0 votes
Prove or disprove the following: for finite sets A and B, $\overline{(A - B) \cup (B - A)} = A \cap B$ . If the proposition is incorrect, do minimal modifications to the ...
2 votes
The number of ways in which three non-negative integers can be chosen such that is
0 votes
What languages,Scripts should learn to serve best at ISRO and what kind of skills and experience are required to get ISRO/Scientist Post?
1 votes
The coefficient of in the expansion of is