2 answers
State and explain master theorem.Can Master’s method be applied to recurrence , $T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n^2logn$ ?Why or why not ?
0 answers
The reflection along the line y=x is equivalent to reflection along the X-axis followed by counter clockwise rotation by theta degrees.Find the value of theta
0 answers
Show that the composition of two rotations is additive by concatenating the matrix representations for R(theta 1) and R(theta 2)to obtainR(theta 1) x R(theta 2) = R(theta...
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0 answers
A polygon has 4 vertices located a A(25, 10),B(50, 10),C(60, 30),D(20 ,30).Specify the transformation matrix required to double the size of the polygon with point A locat...
0 answers
3sin(200rt) is amplitude modulated with 600s(6000rt)Find the spectral response and expression of the AM signal generated
1 answer
Find out the number of page fault in the following strings of pages used by CPU using the page replaced algorithm LRU and LIFO[taking 3 page frames]1,1,3,5,3,4,2,2,2,1,8
2 answers
A computer has 64 bit instruction and 12 bit address.If there are 250 3-address instruction and 525 2-address instruction,how many 1-address instruction is possible?
1 answer
Consider a memory of 8 words per block.If 2 clock cycle are required to transfer address from CPU to main memory, 6 clock cycle to access the first word, 3 clock cycles e...
1 answer
A two-way associative cache memory uses blocks of four words.The cache can accommodate a total of 2048 words from main memory.The main memory size is 128K X 32.Find out t...
1 answer
Draw the space time diagram for a 6-segment pipeline showing the time it takes to process 8 no of tasks.Determine the no of clock cycle that it takes to process 200 tasks...
0 answers
Write the assembly language code segment to evaluate the following arithmetic expression:X=((A+B)*C)/(D-E*F+G*H)Usingi)Stack based organizationii)RISC organization
2 answers
What is the hit ratio of a cache memory.If cache memory access time is 30ns,main memory access time is 150ns and avg access time is 42ns.