0 answers
which of the following turing recognizable..?????L1 = {⟨M⟩∣ TM M accepts more than 2 distinct inputs}L2 = {⟨M⟩∣ TM M accepts at most 2 distinct inputs}
1 answer
If packet with TTL value = 0 received at destination, then destination discard that packet or accept that packet.
0 answers
The number of seven digit integers possible with sum of the digits equal to 11 and formed by using the digits 1, 2 and 3 only are
0 answers
The number of distinct max heap are possible with keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are
0 answers
Consider a hash table with 10 slots. Collisions are resolved using linear probing. The probability that if first 3 slots are unfilled and 4th insertions leads to a collis...
0 answers
An entrepreneur needs to assign 5 different tasks to three of his employees. If every employee is assigned atleast 1 task, how many ways can the entrepreneur assign those...
0 answers
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2 answers
The probability of a man hitting a target in one fire is 1/4 The number of times at least he must fire at the target in order that his chance of hitting the target at le...
1 answer
How many concurrent schedules are conflict serializable of given transactions T1 and T2:
0 answers
Consider the basic block given below:u=u+vv=u-vw=u+xx=w/vThe minimum number of nodes and edges present in the DAG representation of the above basic block respectively are...
1 answer
The number of function from set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} to set {0, 1} such that assign 1 to exactly one of given number less than 8 are .......................
1 answer
Which recurrence relation satisfy the sequence: 2, 3, 4, . . ., for n ≥ 1.A ) T(N) = 2 T(N-1) - T(N-2) B)T(N) = T(N-1) + T(N-2)C)T(N) = N+1D)None of these
3 answers
1 answer
The function represented by the Karnaugh map given below is$A.B$$AB+BC+CA$$\overline{B \oplus C}$$A.BC$