1 votes
1 answer
mod of following asynchronous counter is??Due to the delay of OR gate I think mod is $10$.
4 votes
1 answer
Suppose the key of entity set A is attribute A, the key of B is B , the key of C is C, the keyof D is D. If we translate relationship set R into a relation R (A,B, C,D), ...
0 votes
1 answer
Which of the following transitions are not possible? (Assume resource preemption is not allowed)A) 2 and 4B) 3 and 5C)4 and 5D)3 and 5if resource preemption is not allowe...
0 votes
0 answers
Consider a computer system that stores a floating-point numbers with 16-bit mantissa and an 8-bit exponent, each in two’s complement. find The smallest and largest posi...
8 votes
2 answers
Find the number of combinations of (a, b, c) if LCM (a, b) = 1000, LCM (b, c) = 2000, LCM (c, a) = 2000.I am getting total 96 combinations
2 votes
1 answer
Is this grammar ambiguous?S >SxA|AA >AyB|BB >zB|(S)|m|nI cant prove it ambiguos.As this grammar is not in LR(1) it may or may not be ambiguous.
1 votes
0 answers
What language does this grammar generate?S >(L)|aL >L,S|S
2 votes
0 answers
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0 answers