0 answers
What is the scope of research and phd in and after mtech from iit roorkee??
1 answer
Gate score - 487Category - general PwDDo i have any chance in iits?
0 answers
The chip selects logic for a certain DRAM chip in memory design shown. Assume that memory has 16 address of memory system (in hexadecimal) that can be enabled by chip sel...
0 answers
Do we have to carry the id proof which is mentioned in the application form only, or any one of the id?
0 answers
A family has 5 children. If the random variable (X) represents the number of boys , then the variance of X isAnswer – 1.25
0 answers
In how many ways 20 two rupees coins can be distributed among 4 children?Answer – 1771
0 answers
Last 18 days are left and I'm a bit confused whether i should focus on pyq's or mock tests now. I have covered pyq's till now but still need more practice. Or should i fo...
0 answers
How was your Made easy CBT mock test??
0 answers
Is branch and bound technique part of gate syllabus ?
0 answers
In scheduling algorithms if context switching time is given, do we also have to take into account context switching prior to the first process. In some questions i have s...
0 answers
My exams are starting from 12th dec - 24th dec, but I'm not yet confident with my Gate preparation. How should i tackle these next 25 days. Should I start giving mocks or...
3 answers
How many pulses are needed to change the contents of a $8$-bit up counter from $10101100$ to $00100111$ (rightmost bit is the LSB)?$134$$133$$124$$123$
1 answer
Encrypt the plain text message $ \text{EXTRANET}"$ using Transposition cipher technique with the following key : $\begin{array} {|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline \text{3} & \text{5} ...
7 answers
2 answers
For matrix $p=\begin{bmatrix} 3 &-2 &2 \\ 0 &-2 &1 \\ 0& 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$if one of the eigen values is equal to – 2, then which of the following is an eigen vector...
0 answers
2 answers
The eigen value of the following matrix in[ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ](a) 1, 1, 1 (b) 1, 0, 0(c) 3, 0, 0 (d) 0, 0, 0
0 answers
A2 − A = 0, where A is a 9×9 matrix. Then(a) A must be a zero matrix(b) A is an identity matrix(c) rank of A is 1 or 0(d) A is diagonalizable
1 answer
How many cycles are required for a 100 MHz processor to execute a program which requires 5 seconds of CPU time?(a) 10^9 cycles (b) 50 × 10^7 cycles (c) 10^8 cycles (d) 5...
1 answer
Consider the following regular expression R = a*b* + b*a*. The number of equivalence classes of Σ* to represent a language which is equivalent to R is ____________
0 answers
Consider the following DFA. The number of strings upto length 5 where first and last character of string is ‘a’ are __The answer given is 4, but I'm getting 6.
2 answers
Minimum number of states in DFA over Ʃ = {0, 1} with each string contains odd number of 0’s or odd number of 1’s.(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6Can anyone draw the Dfa? :{