0 answers
Has anyone applied to IIT hyderabad mtech RA (3-years course) 2019?Has anyone gotten the call?
0 answers
How many number of ways are there to arrange the letters of the word "ARRANGEMENT" such that(i)there are exactly two pairs of consecutively identical letters?(ii)there ar...
0 answers
0 answers
How many indexes of each of the following type can be present at maximum in a relation and why?i)Primary Indexingii)Clustering indexingiii)Secondary Indexing
1 answer
We say every bcnf is 3nf also but suppose in a bcnf relation the dependency is not preserved then how can we say that it is in 3nf since every 3nf must be dependency pres...
0 answers
0 answers
In B+ trees ,after splitting a node we copy the splitted key in the right subtree(leaf node) as per the standard procedure.Is it valid to copy the splitted key to left su...
2 answers
Type checking is normally done duringlexical analysissyntax analysissyntax directed translationcode optimization
1 answer
If it takes 50ns to search associative registers and also about 100ns to get access to main memory then find out the % of slowdown in memory access time?(Given hit ratio ...