4 votes
0 answers
Consider a bookshelf with $15$ books placed in sequential manner.In how many ways one can choose a set of $5$ books from this shelf so that no $2$ books in this set shoul...
2 votes
1 answer
Consider this implementation of semaphores b/w these $2$ processes :PROCESS-1 :V(s) CS P(S)PROCESS-2:P(s) CS V(S)Assume that semaphore "s" is intialized to $0$ at initial...
1 votes
0 answers
If A $4$ B long PC-relative branch instruction is stored at location in memory at $(920)_{10}$.The branch is located at $(724)_{10}$.Then Signed displacement present in i...
3 votes
2 answers
The speed up of a pipelined processor is $5.4,$ operating at $2$ GHZ frequency with efficiency $82\%$.What will be no. of stages available in this processor$?$
2 votes
1 answer
Which of the following functions are Turing Machine computable?$1) \ n \times (n-1) \times (n-2) ......1$$2)\{log_2n\}$$3)\Large2^{2^n}$
2 votes
1 answer
Which of the following languages are regular?
2 votes
1 answer
$L_1=\{a^nb^nc^n\ |n>=0\}$$L_2=\{a^{2n}b^{2n}c^{2n}\ |n>=0\}$$L_3=\{ a^{2n}b^{2n}c^n\ |n>=0\}$Options :$1)\ L_2 \subseteq L_1 \&L_2 \subseteq L_3 $$2)\ L_2 \subseteq L_1 ...
1 votes
0 answers
I am getting $ \Large1374845$ Is it right? Please explain your logic if you got other from this !
4 votes
1 answer
If main memory $=128 \ KB$ and cache memory is of $2KB$ with $16B$ lines .and uses associative mapping .What would be the # of bits used for Tag for each block?
5 votes
1 answer
Evaluate the given limit :$lim_{x\rightarrow0} \ {\Large \frac{(1+x)^{\frac{1}{x}}-e}{x}}$options :$ \\ a) \frac{e}{8} \\ b) -\frac{e}{2} \\ c)- \frac{e}{4} \\ d) 1$
2 votes
0 answers
Consider this table : Using SRTF policy what is the avg waiting time?given options :$2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5$I am getting $\Large {\frac{5}{3}} $$\approx 1.67$
0 votes
0 answers
1) No of Equivalence relation on a set of 5 distinct elements? -2)What kind of graphs are represented as $Q_k$ where k $\epsilon \ \mathbb{N}$3)No of string upto length ...
1 votes
1 answer
Here $128$ block actually refers to Lines right?So it should be $8+4+7=19$ Assume memory is word addessable?Thanks!
0 votes
1 answer
1 votes
0 answers
Answers given in test series are as follows:1)B2)D3)B4)BPs: I posted all these 4 question in one because i thought most of them are erroneous so better to make one thread...