11 votes
3 answers
If $\text{A}$ is a skew symmetric matrix then $\text{A}^t$ isDiagonal matrix $\text{A}$$0$$-\text{A}$
7 votes
3 answers
What does a data dictionary will identify?Field nameField formatField typesAll of the above
5 votes
3 answers
Which of the following algorithms solves the all pair shortest path problem?Prim's algorithmDijkstra's algorithmBellman ford algorithmFloyd warshalls algorithm
14 votes
4 answers
The output of a lexical analyzer isA parse treeIntermediate codeMachine codeA stream of tokens
5 votes
2 answers
Choose the most appropriate HTML tag in the following to create a numbered list<dl><list><ul><ol>
5 votes
2 answers
At a particular time the value of counting semaphore is 10. It will become 7 after:3 V operations3 P operations5 V operations and 2 P operations2 V operations and 5 P ope...
6 votes
2 answers
Given two statementsInsertion of an element should be done at the last node of the circular listDeletion of an element should be done at the last node of the circular lis...
12 votes
2 answers
How many $128\times 8$ bit RAMs are required to design $32\;\text{K}\times 32$ bit RAM?$512$$1024$$128$$32$
4 votes
4 answers
In a doubly linked list the number of pointers affected for an insertion operation will be401Depends on the nodes of doubly linked list
0 votes
1 answer
What is the cyclomatic complexity of given code?while(i<3 AND j>9){.....}A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4
1 votes
2 answers
MIME protocol works in which layer?A. Transport B. Session C. Presentation D. Application
1 votes
2 answers
Hamiltonian circuit can be most perfectly related with:A. Greedy approachB. Dynamic programmingC. BacktrackingD. Branch and bound
0 votes
1 answer
What is the difference between Subschema, View and Virtual table in DBMS?please explain!!
4 votes
1 answer
Selection sort is an example of ____(I)_______ and insertion sort is an example of __(II)______.a) I- Greedy, II- Brute Forceb) I- Brute Force II- Divide and conquerc) I-...
0 votes
1 answer
External schema consists of:a) Subschemasb) Virtual Tablesc) Both a and bd) None of these
0 votes
0 answers
Consider READ and WRITE bits:a) Both are written by CPUb) Both are written by peripheralc) READ bit is written by peripheral while WRITE bit is written by CPUd) WRITE bit...
4 votes
3 answers
What is ∅ U ∅* ?a) ∅b) ϵc) Both a and b can be answerd) Neither a nor b
0 votes
1 answer
In a communication system, noise is most likely to affect the signal(A) at a transmitter(B) in a channel(C) in the information source(D) at the destination