2 answers
How to solve this question ?
3 answers
The maximum gate delay for any output to appear in an array multiplier for multiplying two $n$ bit numbers is$O(n^2)$$O(n)$$O(\log n)$$O(1)$
9 answers
Let $P(x)$ and $Q(x)$ be arbitrary predicates. Which of the following statements is always TRUE?$\left(\left(\forall x \left(P\left(x\right) \vee Q\left(x\right)\right)\r...
1 answer
Q. The minimal function that can detect a 'divisible by 3' 8421 BCD code digit(representation is D8 D4 D2 D1 ) is given by
0 answers
The digital circuit acts as - a. 9's complement circuitb. 0's complement circuitc. 5's complement circuitd.9's complement circuit if C3=0 and 10's complement if C3=1