2 answers
Stmt 1: A simple graph is necessarily connected if |E| (n-1)*(n-2)/2.Stmt2: A simple graph with n vertices and k components has at least n-k edges.Can you please explain...
1 answer
How many 3 digits number are there which are divisible by 3 and repetition of digits NOT allowed.?
2 answers
We have a set of cardinality 7. Suppose P is the power set of S. We have a subset of Power set, Ps such that every pair of elements (a, b) in subset is such that, either ...
1 answer
Given two max heap, one of size n and other m. Calculate the time complexity of merging them to get a max heap.
1 answer
Consider a 15 element min-heap which follows these conditions.right child of root is7 and one child of node 3 is 9. Calculate how many min heap possible?