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Consider the circuit given below. Assume initially flipflops are in reset state. What will be the mod of above digital circuit?
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3 answers
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Fails to Guarantee mutual exclusion Guarantee mutual exclusion and prevents deadlockFails to prevent deadlockFails to guarantee mutual exclusion and fails to prevent dead...
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1 answer
In a demand paging system page fault rate 0.60 and page fault service time 8 milliseconds, memory access time 200 nano seconds. Find out effective access time in nano sec...
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2 answers
Given below are 4 functions$999999n$$0.99999 n logn$$1.000001^{n}$$n^{2}$The increasing order of the above functions in terms of their asymptotic complexity is?
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Consider the following cfgS → aSa | bSb | a | bfind the number of conflicts in LR(0) state diagram?24810