2 answers
Consider the following program:# define Rec(a) a + a * aint a;a = 20 + Rec(a) * Rec(a + 1);printf(“%d”, a)return 0;}The output of above program for a = 3 is ________....
3 answers
can int a=a 10 is a lexical or notif yes then why ???if no then give reason?
1 answer
In a database , the specification of data where individual data item of same type can have different sets of attribute a) True b) false
3 answers
Describe a Θ(nlgn)-time algorithm that, given a set S of n integers and another integer x, determines whether or not there exists two elements of S whose sum is exactly ...
1 answer
Suppose we are comparing implementations of insetion sort and merge sort on the same machine. For inputs of size n, insertion sort runs in 8n^2 steps, while merge sort ru...
2 answers
Does any one know the formula for Row major order and column major order of symmetric square band matrix
3 answers
4 answers
Given that hash table $T$ with $25$ slots that stores $2000$ elements, the load factor $a$ for $T$ is _________.
4 answers
Sorry for the bad quality picture. Which of these is correct? (1 or 2)
3 answers
Consider the following ordering S of transaction T1:R(X),W(Y), T2:R(X),W(Y);T3:R(X),W(Y). how many schedules if any are conflict equivalent to S?1) 32) 5c) 15d) 30
2 answers
ATOMICITY IS MANAGED BY a) Programmerb) Recovery Management Component c) Concurrency Control Componentd) None of it
2 answers
Which of following statement is true ?S1. Any boolean function can be realized using decoders2. One multiplexer can realize 1 function at a timea) S1 is trueb) S2 is true...
1 answer
1 answer
A decimal parallel adder that add n decimal digits needs how many BCD adder stages1. n 2. 2n3. 14 n^2
1 answer
I am just reading that Microperations from Morris mano They have explained the concept of 3 state gate which can be used as a multiplexer which have output 1, 0 and high ...
1 answer
Let R(ABCDE) be a relational schema and F ={AB->CD, ABC->E,C->E} BE A SET OF FUNCTIONAL dependencies. WHAT IS highest normal of R ?1NF 2NF3NFBCNF
1 answer
Can you explain me this :A table is in second normal form if every attribute is determined by every candidate key , but is not determined by any pure subset of Candidate ...