3 votes
5 answers
Consider the following function height, to which pointer to the root node of a binary tree shown below is passedNote that max(a,b) defined by #define max(a,b) (a>b)?a:b.i...
1 votes
0 answers
Let $A(n)$ denotes the number of $n$ bit binary strings which have no pair of consecutive $1’s.$ what will be recurrence relation for it and what will be it’s Time Co...
0 votes
0 answers
2 votes
0 answers
$S\rightarrow aA|bAc|dc$$A\rightarrow d$Number of states in $CLR\left ( 1 \right )$ parser construction _______________Is$S\rightarrow d.c|$$$A\rightarrow d.,a$will be in...