4 answers
A device employing INTR line for device interrupt puts the CALL instruction on the data bus while:$\overline{INTA}$ is activeHOLD is activeREADY is inactiveNone of the ab...
1 answer
Can anyone please explain in simple terms indexed, relative and base register addressing modes?
1 answer
Three people have 32,32,72, and $98, respectively. If they pool their money then re-distribute it among themselves, what is the maximum possible value for the median amou...
0 answers
0 answers
Are cosets, well ordered sets, total ordered sets in syllabus or GATE 2019?
0 answers
Hello! Can anyone point out relevant chapters from Carl Hamacher book for Computer Organisation according to GATE 2019 syllabus? I want to get my basics clear but do not ...