3 answers
Let $S$ be a set of $n$ elements. The number of ordered pairs in the largest and the smallest equivalence relations on $S$ are:$n$ and $n$$n^2$ and $n$$n^2$ and $0$$n$ an...
4 answers
A polynomial $p(x)$ satisfies the following:$p(1) = p(3) = p(5) = 1$ $p(2) = p(4) = -1$The minimum degree of such a polynomial is$1$$2$$3$$4$
5 answers
Which of the following graphs has an Eulerian circuit?Any $k$-regular graph where $k$ is an even number.A complete graph on $90$ vertices.The complement of a cycle on $25...
1 answer
Consider $B^+$ - tree of order $d$ shown in figure. (A $B^+$ - tree of order $d$ contains between $d$ and $2d$ keys in each node)Draw the resulting $B^+$ - tree after $10...
1 answer
please explain how to start solving such circuital questions..I always get confused..plzz help someone asap.What will be the final output?
3 answers
6 answers
The number of full and half-adders required to add $16$-bit numbers is$8$ half-adders, $8$ full-adders$1$ half-adder, $15$ full-adders$16$ half-adders, $0$ full-adders$4$...
2 answers
Given a binary tree of the following form and having $n$ nodes, the height of the tree is$\Theta \left(\log n\right)$$\Theta \left(n\right)$$\Theta \left(\sqrt{n}\right)$...