2 answers
Which of the following is NOT a superkey in a relational schema with attributes $V,W,X,Y,Z$ and primary key $V\;Y$?$VXYZ$$VWXZ$$VWXY$$VWXYZ$
5 answers
A man has three cats. At least one is male. What is the probability that all three are male?$\frac{1}{2}$$\frac{1}{7}$$\frac{1}{8}$$\frac{3}{8}$
2 answers
How many ways can n books be placed on k distinguishable shelves if no two books are the same, and the positions of the books on the shelves matter?
6 answers
Which of the following disk scheduling strategies is likely to give the best throughput?Farthest cylinder nextNearest cylinder nextFirst come first servedElevator algorit...
4 answers
The Boolean function in sum of products form where K-map is given below (figure) is _______
3 answers
A Boolean function $f$ is to be realized only by $\text{NOR}$ gates. Its $K$-map is given below:The realization is
1 answer
What is the best case and worst case of the algorithm? And when will best case and worst case will happen??int main() { for(i=1 ; i<=n ; i++) { if(n%i == 0) { for(j=1 ; j...
1 answer
The regular expression 0*(10*)* denote the same set as(1) (1*0)*1*(2) 0+(0+10)*(3) (0+1)*10(0+1)*(4) None of theseIsnot 1) as same as given expression?
1 answer
17 answers
8 answers
Consider the following C program segment.# include <stdio.h int main() { char s1[7] = "1234", *p; p = s1 + 2; *p = '0'; printf("%s", s1); }What will be printed by the pro...