Recent activity by vamp_vaibhav

1 answer
The r ’s complement of an n-digit decimal number N in base r is defined for all values of N except for N = 0. If the given number is (247)9, then its 9’s complement w...
1 answer
Given f(n) = θ(n), g(n) = Ω(n), h(n) = O(n). Then f(n) + [g(n) ⋅ h(n)] = ?A.O(n)B. θ(n)C. Ω(n)D. None of theseAns is given CPlease explain how to solve such questio...
0 answers
Answer given : 1935360 but I m getting 3225600 please check..
0 answers
The optimization phase in a compiler generally:(A) Reduced the space of the code(B) Optimizes the code to reduce execution time(C) Both (A) and (B)(D) Neither (A) nor (B)...
1 answer
0 answers
2 answers
The minimum number of elements (keys) that need to be inserted into a B+ tree with the order of internal node 3 [maximum child pointers per node] and leaf node 2 [maximum...
1 answer
If you are given a sorted list with n elements in ascending order. Then what will be the Time complexity to build a Min heap from the given array?
0 answers
if i neglect T2 then its conflict sserilizable but if i dont neglect T2 then its not conflict serilizable ???
1 answer
Find Follow of F :$E\rightarrow E+T | T$$T\rightarrow T*F | F$$ F\rightarrow \left ( E \right ) |id$
1 answer
which of the protocol is flow control but not error control?1)stop n wait2) go back n3)selective repeate4)simplest
1 answer
What is the view equivalent serial schedule for the following scheduleR2(A); R1(A); W1(C); R3(C); W1(B); R4(B); W3(A); R4(C); W2(D); R2(B); W4(A); W4(B) T1 → T2 → T3...
1 answer
my answer 5 plz check but answer given 4
3 answers
can anyone tell what are different activities that are performed in kernel modeuser modehow to change frm user mode to kernel mode and vice-versa,,
2 answers
Consider the following C program: int main (void) { in/*this is an example*/z; double/*is it an error?*/y; print( “This is simple” ); return 0; }- How many Different ...
1 answer
A) Number of conflict serializable schedules possibleR4(a) R2(a) R3(a) W1(b) W2(a) R3(b) W2(b)B) NUmber of conflict serializABLE SCHEDULES possible by T1 and T2T1 : R(...
1 answer
4 answers
0 answers
When the write through mechanism is implemented with simultaneous access,why write hit =1 andTavg (write) = word updating time i.e max(Tc, Tm)?? I am getting confused.. ...