Recent activity by vivekpinto07

1 answer
For every pushdown automata,there exists an equivalentA)Regular LanguageB)Context sensitive languageC)Context free languageD)Recursively Enumerable language.
1 answer
The meaning of the regular expression (a+b)(a+b) isA)Strings of a's and b's where length is 2B)Strings of a's and b's of any length.C)Null stringD)None
3 answers
NFA can be converted into DFA usingSub set construction methodLazy evaluation methodeither A or Bboth A and B
1 answer
Which of the following is/are not regularA)strings of 0's whose length is a perfect squareB)set of all palindromes made up of 0's & 1'sC)Strings of 0's whose length is pr...
2 answers
2 answers
Algorithm which solves the all pair shortest path problem isA)Dijkstra's algorithmB)Floyd's algorithC)Prim's algorithmmD)Warshall's algorithm
2 answers
1 answer
A language L is accepted by finite automata if and only if it isRight linearPrimitive RecursiveContext SensitiveRecursive
1 answer
A language L is accepted by a pushdown automation if and only if it isA) Context SensitiveB)RecursiveC)Context FreeD)Right Linear
4 answers
A fair coin is tossed 3 times in succession.If the first toss produced a head then the probability of getting exactly two heads in 3 tosses(including the first toss ) is1...
7 answers
Every BCNF decomposition is A)Dependency preservingB)not a dependency preservingC)Need not be dependency preservingD)None of the above
4 answers
The minimum number of record movements required to merge five files A (with $10$ records), B (with $20$ records), C (with $15$ records), D (with $5$ records) and E (with ...
1 answer
suppose a 128kbps point to point link is setup between earth and Rover on Mars.The distance from earth to Mars is approximately 55Gm,data travel over the link at the spee...
1 answer
Consider a point to point link 50Kms in length.At what bandwidth would propagation delay(at the speed of light) equal to transmit delay for 100 byte packets ? What about ...
2 answers
2 answers
There are three identical red balls and four identical blue balls in bag.Three balls are drawn.what is the number of different color combinations ?
1 answer
Could anybody give me direct formule for it set A has n elements and set B has m elements.what is the direct formula for 1)number of onto functions .2)Into function.3)one...