2 answers
I believe since the variable 't' is a free variable, so option three should also be right. Second option is also correct?
1 answer
A desirable choice for the partitioning element in quick sort is(A) First element of the list(B) Last element of the list(C) Randomly chosen element of the list(D) Median...
1 answer
Let R and S be two relations, and l be an attribute common to R and S.Let c be a condition over the attributes common to R and S. Prove ordisprove the following:
5 answers
Which of the following input sequences for a cross-coupled $R-S$ flip-flop realized with two $NAND$ gates may lead to an oscillation?$11, 00$$01, 10$$10, 01$$00, 11$
8 answers
8 answers
Consider the following Hasse diagrams. Which all of the above represent a lattice?(i) and (iv) only(ii) and (iii) only(iii) only(i), (ii) and (iv) only