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17 votes
17 votes

There are five buildings called $V$, $W$, $X$, $Y$ and $Z$ in a row (not necessarily in that order). $V$ is to the West of $W$. $Z$ is to the East of $X$ and the West of $V$. $W$ is to the West of $Y$. Which is the building in the middle?

  1. $V$
  2. $W$
  3. $X$
  4. $Y$
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6 Answers

Best answer
29 votes
29 votes

Ans: A. V

Given order: (West on left)
$VW,\quad XZ, \quad ZV,\quad WY$

Considering them together:
$XZ,\quad ZV \implies  XZV $
$VW, \quad WY\implies  VWY$
$XZV, \quad VWY \implies  XZVWY$

So, $V$ is the building in the middle.

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