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31 votes
31 votes

We are given $9$ tasks $T_1, T_2, \dots, T_9$. The execution of each task requires one unit of time. We can execute one task at a time. Each task $T_i$ has a profit $P_i$ and a deadline $d_i$. Profit $P_i$ is earned if the task is completed before the end of the $d_i^{th}$ unit of time.

$$\begin{array}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline \textbf{Task}  &  \text{$T_1$ } & \text{$T_2$}& \text{$T_3$} & \text{$T_4$} & \text{$T_5$} & \text{$T_6$} & \text{$T_7$} & \text{$T_8$} & \text{$T_9$}   \\\hline \textbf{Profit}  &  \text{$15$ } & \text{$20$}& \text{$30$} & \text{$18$} & \text{$18$} & \text{$10$} & \text{$23$} & \text{$16$} & \text{$25$}   \\\hline  \textbf{Deadline} & \text{$7$} & \text{$2$} & \text{$5$} & \text{$3$} & \text{$4$}  & \text{$5$}  & \text{$2$}  & \text{$7$}  & \text{$3$} \\\hline \end{array}$$

Are all tasks completed in the schedule that gives maximum profit?

  1. All tasks are completed

  2. $T_1$ and $T_6$ are left out

  3. $T_1$ and $T_8$ are left out

  4. $T_4$ and $T_6$ are left out

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4 Answers

Best answer
42 votes
42 votes

$ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|}\hline
\textbf{Task}&\textbf{Profit}&\textbf{Deadline}\\ \hline
T_3&30&5&\checkmark \\ \hline
T_9&25&3&\checkmark \\ \hline
T_7&23&2&\checkmark \\ \hline
T_2&20&2&\checkmark \\ \hline
T_5&18&4&\checkmark \\ \hline
T_4&18&3& ✗ \\ \hline
T_8&16&7&\checkmark \\ \hline
T_1&15&7&\checkmark \\ \hline
T_6&10&5& ✗ \\ \hline

Step -1 Sort the tasks in decreasing order of profit and if any conflict arises between two or more tasks,resolve them by sorting them on basis of having greater deadline first(Because we have more time to complete the task with greater deadline and same profit).

Step 2- Since Maximum deadline given is $7$, so we consider we have 7 time slots ranging from $0-7$ where a task $T_i$ having deadline say $2$ can be filled in slots either $0-1$ or $1-2$ and not beyond $2$ because this task has deadline of $2$ time units, so this task has to be completed by at most time $T=2$.

Now according to question, since Each task completes in Unit time, so a single tasks takes only one slot as shown.

Now Take the first task in the list i.e. $T_3$ which has a deadline of $5$, so it can be completed in maximum $5$ time units, so place it in slot $4-5$ which is the maximum deadline by which this task can be completed.

Task $T_9$ with deadline $3$ is similarly placed in  slot $2-3$.

Task $T_7$ with deadline $2$ is placed in slot $1-2$.

Now for task $T_2$ having deadline $2$ can be placed in either $0-1$ or $1-2$ (Occupied by $T_7$). So $T_2$ will occupy slot $0-1$.

Task $T_5$ with deadline $4$ is placed in slot $3-4$.

Now comes task $T_4$ which has deadline $3$ can be put in slots $0-1$ or $1-2$ or $2-3$ and not beyond that.Unfortunately, all such slots are occupied so $\bf{T_4}$ will be left out.

Task $T_8$ with deadline $7$ goes in slot $6-7$.

Task $T_1$ with deadline $7$ can be placed in  slot $5-6$.

Now all time slots are full.

So, Task $\bf{T_6}$ will be left out.

So, option (d) is the answer.

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16 votes
16 votes

The most important statement in question is 

each task requires one unit of time

This shows that we can greedily choose the better task and that should give us the optimal solution. The best task would be the one with maximum profit. Thus we can sort the tasks based on deadline and then profit as follows:

Task T7 T2 T9 T4 T5 T3 T6 T8 T1
Deadline 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 7 7

   0 ----T7 ----- 1----T2-----2-----T9-----3-----T5-----4-----T3-----5-----T8-----6-----T1------7

T4 and T6 left out

D is answer.

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1 votes
1 votes

This is Job Sequencing problem. It assumes:

  • Every job takes 1 unit of time.
  • If the job is finished within deadline, then only profit is earned.

How to solve?

  1. Draw the time line as shown.
  2. Sort tasks in decreasing order of profit. 
  3. Take the task with highest profit and place it on deadline as far as possible.


So, T4 and T6 are left out.

Max profit = 20 + 23 + 25 + 18 + 30 + 15 + 16 = 147

Ans: D

0 votes
0 votes
First sort the tasks in descending order of their profit.
T3 T9 T7 T2 T4 T5 T8 T1 T6
Now the maximum deadline given is 7.
So we will take Array of 7 elements. And will try to put the tasks starting from T3 to T6, upto their maximum deadline possible.

So T4 and T6 are left out.
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