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64 votes
64 votes

Consider the regular grammar:

  • $S \rightarrow Xa \mid Ya$
  • $X \rightarrow Za$
  • $Z \rightarrow Sa \mid \epsilon$
  • $Y \rightarrow Wa$
  • $W \rightarrow Sa$

where $S$ is the starting symbol, the set of terminals is $\{a\}$ and the set of non-terminals is $\{S, W, X, Y, Z\}$.
We wish to construct a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) to recognize the same language. What is the minimum number of states required for the DFA?

  1. $2$
  2. $3$
  3. $4$
  4. $5$
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4 Answers

Best answer
94 votes
94 votes
  • $S \rightarrow Xa \mid Ya$
  • $X \rightarrow Za$
  • $Z \rightarrow Sa \mid \epsilon$
  • $Y \rightarrow Wa$
  • $W \rightarrow Sa$

This is left linear grammar having language L. Convert it into right linear using following rule:

  • $V_i \to V_jw \qquad \text{Reverses to}\qquad V_i \to w^RV_j$
  • $V_i \to w \qquad \quad\text{Reverses to}\qquad V_i \to w^R$

If the left linear grammar produced language $L$ then the resulting right linear grammar produces $L^R.$

  • $S \rightarrow aX \mid aY$
  • $X \rightarrow aZ$
  • $Z \rightarrow aS \mid \epsilon$
  • $Y \rightarrow aW$
  • $W \rightarrow aS$

is right linear grammar having language $\mathbf{L^R}$.  

Having NFA

Having DFA for language $\mathbf{L^R}$

DFA for language L ( reversal)

$\mathbf{L = \{ w : n_a(w) \ mod \ 3 =2 ,\text{ w belongs to } \{a,b\}^* \}}$  same as Omesh Pandita answered.

Having 3 states.

Correct Answer: $B$

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21 votes
21 votes
(B) 3

The string generated by the language is the set of strings with $a$'s such that number of $a$ mod 3 is 2.

So the number of states required should be 3 to maintain the count of number of $a$'s mod 3.
10 votes
10 votes
Minimize the grammer as much as you can. (Putting the values of lower productions to upper one).

Then finally we get


Now we can draw dfa with 3 states.

[it may be an informal approach but we get answer fast]

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