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The letters $\text{P, Q, R, S, T}$ and $\text{U}$ are to be placed one per vertex on a regular convex hexagon, but not necessarily in the same order.

Consider the following statements:

  • The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{S}$ is longer than the line segment joining $\text{P}$ and $\text{Q}$.
  • The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{S}$ is perpendicular to the line segment joining $\text{P}$ and $\text{Q}$.
  • The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{U}$ is parallel to the line segment joining $\text{T}$ and $\text{Q}$.

Based on the above statements, which one of the following options is $\text{CORRECT}?$

  1. The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{T}$ is parallel to the line segment joining $\text{Q}$ and $\text{S}$
  2. The line segment joining $\text{T}$ and $\text{Q}$ is parallel to the line joining $\text{P}$ and $\text{U}$
  3. The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{P}$ is perpendicular to the line segment joining $\text{U}$ and $\text{Q}$
  4. The line segment joining $\text{Q}$ and $\text{S}$ is perpendicular to the line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{P}$
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Migrated from GO Electrical 7 months ago by Arjun

1 Answer

Best answer
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2 votes

Given that,  the following statements:

  • The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{S}$ is longer than the line segment joining $\text{P}$ and $\text{Q}$.
  • The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{S}$ is perpendicular to the line segment joining $\text{P}$ and $\text{Q}$.
  • The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{U}$ is parallel to the line segment joining $\text{T}$ and $\text{Q}$.

Based on the above statements, we can draw the ${\color{Blue}{\text{regular convex hexagon.}}}$

Now, we can see all the options. 

  1. The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{T}$ is parallel to the line segment joining $\text{Q}$ and $\text{S}{\color{Green}{-\text{True}.}}$
  2. The line segment joining $\text{T}$ and $\text{Q}$ is parallel to the line joining $\text{P}$ and $\text{U}{\color{Red}{-\text{False}.}}$
  3. The line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{P}$ is perpendicular to the line segment joining $\text{U}$ and $\text{Q}{\color{Red}{-\text{False}.}}$
  4. The line segment joining $\text{Q}$ and $\text{S}$ is perpendicular to the line segment joining $\text{R}$ and $\text{P}{\color{Red}{-\text{False}.}}$

Correct Answer $:\text{A}$

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