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6 votes
6 votes
A  B-Tree of order $m$ is an $m$-way search tree. What is the minimum number of keys that can be stored on the leaf level of a B-Tree of order 20 with 3 levels? (Note: the root of a tree counts as its first level)
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3 Answers

5 votes
5 votes
We need to find the minimum keys at the leaf level. For this, we have to consider the minimum everywhere.
At root node (Level 1): 1 node, 2 child pointers, 1 key.
At Level 2: 2 nodes, 10 child pointers per node.
At Level 3: 20 nodes, 9 keys per node.

So, the answer is 180.
0 votes
0 votes
my answer is coming like this

first level = 1 node

second level= 2 nodes ( 9 child , 10 child )

third level= 20 nodes ( 19 having 9 child, 1 having 10 child)

please clarify

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