Hot questions in Programming in C

31 votes
11 answers
2 votes
4 answers
The following three 'C' language statements is equivalent to which single statement?y=y+1; z=x+y; x=x+1z = x + y + 2;z = (x++) + (++y);z = (x++) + (y++);z = (x++) + (++y)...
3 votes
4 answers
0 votes
1 answer
Write a LISP function to compute the product of all the numbers in a list. Assume that the list contains only number.
0 votes
1 answer
Consider an array A of size 31 consisting of 0's followed by number of 1's. In order to find the smallest index i such that A[i]=1 minimum number of comparisons required ...
37 votes
3 answers
What does the following program print?#include<stdio.h void f(int *p, int *q) { p=q; *p=2; } int i=0, j=1; int main() { f(&i, &j); printf("%d %d\n", i,j); return 0; }$2 \...
5 votes
2 answers
#include <stdio.h int main() { int y = 2; int z = y +(y = 10); printf("%d\n", z); }