Hot questions in Programming in C

2 votes
2 answers
include <stdio.h int main() { int a[][3] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; int (*ptr)[3] = a; printf("%d %d ", (*ptr) , (*ptr) ); ++ptr; printf("%d %d\n", (*ptr) , (*ptr) ); return 0...
31 votes
4 answers
26 votes
5 answers
Choose the best matching between the programming styles in Group 1 and their characteristics in Group 2.$$\begin{array}{|ll|ll|}\hline \rlap{\textbf{Group 1}} & & \rlap{...
44 votes
2 answers
What does the following fragment of C program print?char c[] = "GATE2011"; char *p = c; printf("%s", p + p[3] - p );$\text{GATE2011}$$\text{E2011}$$2011$$011$
6 votes
3 answers
How many lines of output does the following C code produce?#include<stdio.h float i=2.0; float j=1.0; float sum = 0.0; main() { while (i/j 0.001) { j+=j; sum=sum+(i/j); ...
25 votes
7 answers
Consider the following C program.#include<stdio.h int main () { int m=10; int n, n1; n=++m; n1=m++; n ; n1; n-=n1; printf(“%d”, n); return 0; }The output of the prog...
2 votes
2 answers
let x be an array of integer . which of the following can not be present in the left hand side of an assignment statementa)x b) x+i c) * (x+i) d) &x[i]