5 votes
int main(){ int a = 4,b = 5,c = 6; int k = ++a || ++b && c++; printf("%d %d %d %d",a,b,c,k); return 0; }o/p 5 5 6 1Above code will not increment b and c why??even the pre...
4 votes
3 votes
Under which of the following conditions, the size of an one-dimensional array need to be specified ?a) when initialization is a part of definitionb) when it is a declarat...
4 votes
what is function in c pragramming to take mod of number in c ie. |-15|=15
14 votes
a = 1+1+1+ 1+1+1 1+1;as far as i think, it will pass the lexical phase.. it should b syntax error.. correct ??