3 Answers

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4 votes

You have in fact told the answer in question.

int * const ptr = &i;

Why was initialization required here? Because the pointer ptr is a constant and any constant variable must be initialized in C. We can also declare the same as

const * int ptr = &i;

Now, for second one you did not initialize. And that is not required also as const int * ptr or int const * ptr is a pointer to a const int meaning it can point to any integer but we are not supposed to modify the pointed value using '*' operator (trying to modify causes undefined behaviour).

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4 votes

Reading backward and stop at $*$ symbol first: then continue:

First case:

This $ptr$ needs initialization because it is a constant.

Second case:

This $ptr$ needs no compulsory initialization.

0 votes
0 votes

i got it.

first const int * ptr;

means we can not change the the value of *ptr . we can change the ptr means address can change.


#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
 int i=8;
 const int *ptr=&i;

second int * const ptr;

means we can not change the address mean we can not change ptr value;


#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
 int i=8;
 int * const ptr=&i;
    int j=150;

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