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plz explain this code??

char *p="hai friends",*p1;
while(*p!='\0') ++*p++;
printf("%s %s",p,p1);

1 Answer

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To, understand how the code is working, we need to first understand the most crucial part of the code i.e.


it will be solved in the following form:-


because of the following table:-

The operator precedence is as follows-




++ --

Postfix increment/decrement 


++ -- 

Prefix increment/decrement 

As we can see from the table that post increment has higher priority than pre increment and * operator so it will be solved first and then pre increment and * has the same priority so they will be solved according to the associativity rule i.e. right to left.

therefore the expression will become like this:-


Now, coming to question:-

Diagrammatically it will look like this:-


while(*p!='\0') ++*p++;

which means p is moving, and if we apply what ever we have learnt from previous discussion it will look like this:

while(*p!='\0') (++(*(p++)));

Now the after checking the condition in the loop and become true it will enter into while loop and execute

1. increment the value of p : p + sizeof(data type of p);

2. go to that place where incrmented value point.

3. and then increment that value also // because of pre increment.

So, iterations are like this:-

p = 200 , value at p = h != '\0'; true enter and incr p to 201 and then incr value at 201 i.e "a to b"

p = 201 , value at p = b != '\0'; true enter and incr p to 202 and then incr value at 201 i.e "i to j"

p = 202 , value at p = j != '\0'; true enter and incr p to 203 and then incr value at 201 i.e "<space> to !"

and so on till null, when p reaches to null then condition become false and out of the loop. at this instance the pointers are p = 210 and p1 = 200.

As a result p prints nothing and p1 will print "hbj!gsjfoet".

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