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When the partition size is very small then why do we say that it is sometimes profitable to allow internal fragmentation in the partition ?

2 Answers

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firstly  the partition may be too small to be used up by any process so we don't want to have an entry in free table for any partition that may never be able to serve any process and hence it would waste space.

secondly it might so happen that the size of the entry of partition in free partition table would be more than what was the actual size of the partition itself  which would ultimately be more waste of memory.
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if the size of each segment of memory is small nd it is smaller than most of the processes then internel fragmentation will never occur  but some of the processes will never be able to complete its executuion because not a single   segment is large enough for that process.

but if we segment the memory in larger  block then also it is nt a good idea as some memory will be wasted that why MVT (multiprogramming with variable no of tasks) model is used.

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