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You have an array of n  elements. Suppose you implement quick sort by always choosing the central element of the array as the pivot. Then the tightest lower bound for the best case performance is

a) O(n2)

b) O(nlogn)

c) Θ(nlogn)

d) O(n3)

1 Answer

Best answer
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 best case= o(nlogn)

If we choose central element as pivot then array is divided into two equal part. And recurrence relation become T(n)=2T(n/2)+n which will take o(nlogn) time. 

Worst case  =o(n^2).

If we choose central element as pivot then array is divided into two part one part contain 0 element and other part is n-1 element.  And recurrence relation become T(n)=T(n-1)+1 which will take o(n^2).

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