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33 votes
33 votes

Hari(H), Gita(G), Irfan(I) and Saira(S) are siblings (i.e., brothers and sisters). All were born on $1^{\text{st}}$ January. The age difference between any two successive siblings (that is born one after another) is less than three years. Given the following facts:

  1. Hari's age $+$ Gita's age $>$ Irfan's age $+$ Saira's age
  2. The age difference between Gita and Saira is one year. However Gita is not the oldest and Saira is not the youngest.
  3. There are no twins.

In what order they were born (oldest first)?

  1. $\text{HSIG}$
  2. $\text{SGHI}$
  3. $\text{IGSH}$
  4. $\text{IHSG}$
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4 Answers

Best answer
31 votes
31 votes

Given that, 

  • $H+G > S+I$
  • No twins, 
  • And either $G=S+1$ or $S = G+1$
  • $G$ is not the oldest and $S$ is not the youngest. 

Lets analyze each case, 

Case 1:


It implies, $H > I - 1$, Since twins are not possible $H>I$

Case 2:

$G = S - 1$, 

It implies $H > I + 1$

Therefore, both cases imply $H$ is older than $I,$ also $G$ and $S$ must be placed successively. 

Only option B satisfies these implications. 

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16 votes
16 votes
Correct answer is B. Though, its a hit-n-trial method.

option A: There is no such possibility, as it is given that there are no twins, so S and G must be consecutive.

option B.For some combination of ages of SGHI we can satisfy (1) condition like taking ages as, S=5 G=5 H=3 I=1, (2) and (3) are also satisfied. So, all the 3 conditions are satisfied.

option C: IGSH, so I > G and S > H (as there are no twins) and so I + S > G + H - violates condition 1.

option D: IHSG, so I > H and S > G and so I + S > H + G - violates condition 1.
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According to me, option “c” should be the answer. 

Reason-    Hari's age + Gita's age > Irfan's age + Saira's age   (given)  ---------1

  saira’s age – gita’s age=1   (given) ---------2

from (1)     hari – irfaan > saira – gita 

                  hari – irfaan >1     (from 2)

hence only option C satisfies this


@ correct me if anything is wrong


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