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Let $a_{n−1}a_{n−2}...a_0$ and $b_{n−1}b_{n−2}...b_0$ denote the $2’s$ complement representation of two integers $A$ and $B$ respectively. Addition of $A$ and $B$ yields a sum $S=s_{n−1}s_{n−2}...s_0.$ The outgoing carry generated at the most significant bit position, if any, is ignored. Show that an overflow (incorrect addition result) will occur only if the following Boolean condition holds:

$\overline{s}_{n-1}\oplus \; (a_{n-1}s_{n-1})\;=\;b_{n-1}(s_{n-1}\oplus a_{n-1})$

where $\oplus$ denotes the Boolean XOR operation. You may use the Boolean identity: $X+Y=X⊕Y⊕(XY)$ to prove your result.

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1 answer
ankitgupta.1729 asked Feb 21, 2019
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