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Tagged languages like HTML or XML are different from conventional programming languages in that the punctuation (tags) are either very numerous (as in HTML) or a user-definable set (as in XML). Further, tags can often have parameters. Suggest how to divide the following HTML document:

Here is a photo of <B>my house</B>:
<P><IMG SRC = "house. gif"><BR>
See <A HREF = "morePix. htmll">More Pictures</A> if you
liked that one. <P> 

into appropriate lexemes. Which lexemes should get associated lexical values,and what should those values be?  

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1 Answer

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These are the following lexemes with their lexical values-

  1. <text, "Here is a photo of">
  2. <nodestart, b>
  3. <text, "my house">
  4. <nodeend, b>
  5. <nodestart, p>
  6. <selfendnode, img>
  7. <selfendnode, br>
  8. <text, "see">
  9. <nodestart, a>
  10. <text, "More Picture">
  11. <nodeend, a>
  12. <text, "if you liked that one.">
  13. <nodeend, p>

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