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3 Answers

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22 votes
22 votes
Actually there are 12 tokens.
they Left semi colon (;)  ..
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11 votes
11 votes
We may a have a confusion of slecting && a single token or & as 2 diff token

Similarly the same thing goes for + or ++

The concept that come "MAximal match ".If you have + and may with one look ahead you have encountered ++ then in that case you will take maximal one . ie ++ so it would be considered ++ as token under relational operator token class

similarly a & is address operator and && is a logical so you take max of both of them so its &&

Now but in case of *** you cant have "all" of them as a single token . or we dont have any opearator (***) -we are extending the indirection property .There is no such token class , Infact each of * will come under one token class . SO all 3 in one token class

So the token are printf


"what up %id "










ALl of these counts to 12 ! :)
4 votes
4 votes

/* abc*/ gives 0 token bcz lexical analyzer avoid the comment 

printf count as 1 token

(   count as 1 token

"whats up %d" count as 1 token

 ,count as 1 token

++ is increment operator so count as 1

&& is also logical AND operator so count as 1

*** are count as 3 token

a     count as 1 token 

) count as 1 token 

; count as 1 token so 

tatal 12 token plz correct me if i am wrong


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