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Which of the following is/are correct?

  1. Circuit Switching is Store and Forward technique.
  2. Packet Switching is faster than Circuit Switching.
  3. Packet Switching wastes less resource than Circuit Switching.
  4. Packet Switching is not a Store and Forward technique. 

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Correct Answer : (C)

Packet Switching:

  1. Store and Forward concept, where the routers buffers the packets and processes them one by one and then forwards it.
  2. Slower than Circuit Switching as no dedicated link is used for data transfer. Hence each packet may take variable amount of time to reach to destination and hence there is non-uniform delay to reach to destination
  3. Less reliable.

Circuit Switching:

  1. Resource Reservation Technique, where we first establish a connection between sender and receiver. Then particular amount of resource(bandwidth) is reserved. Now if the reserved bandwidth is not used fully then we are wasting the resources.
  2. Faster than Packet Switching as we have dedicated link which is used for data transfer. Hence every packet takes same path and hence there is uniform delay to reach to destination.
  3. More reliable.

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