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The following table shows the number of employees in an organization in five different Cities-Delhi, Mumbai, Bangaluru, Hydrabad and Gurgaon with total number of employees being $4260$ in the organization, along with the percentage (%) distribution of employees working in four departments -HR, Finance, IT and Accounts. Based on the data in the table answer the questions that follows.

City-wise details of Employees in an Organization

Note: 1 . Some values are missing in the table (marked as '_') that you are expected to calculate if required.
          2. Each employee works in only one department.

What is the total number of employees in Mumbai and Gurgaon who work in IT department?

  1. $482$
  2. $452$
  3. $570$
  4. $494$
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1 Answer

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No of Employees in Mumbai $:$ $760$

30% out of them are from IT department i.e $760 \times 30\ $%$ \ = 228$

No of employees in Gurgaon $:$ $700.$

% of Employees who work in IT department in Gurgaon $:$ $100\% - (20+22+20)\% = 38$%$ $

So, no of employees in Gurgaon who work in IT department  $:$ $700 \times 38\ $%$ \ = 266 $


Total number of employees in Mumbai and Gurgaon who work in IT department $:$ $228 + 266 = 494$

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