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Based only on the truth of the statement 'Some humans are intelligent', which one of the following options can be logically inferred with certainty?

  1. No human is intelligent.
  2. All humans are intelligent. 
  3. Some non-humans are intelligent. 
  4. Some intelligent beings are humans.
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Migrated from GO Civil 7 months ago by Arjun

2 Answers

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Given that, 

  • Some humans are intelligent.


  1. No human is intelligent. We cannot infer this; it's not supported by the statement.
  2. All humans are intelligent. We cannot infer this either; the statement doesn't provide information about all humans.
  3. Some non-humans are intelligent. We cannot infer this because the statement specifically mentions humans, not non-humans.
  4. Some intelligent beings are humans. This can be logically inferred from the statement, as it indicates that there are intelligent humans.

Correct Answer: D

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(D) Some intelligent beings are humans.

Here's why the other options are not necessarily true:

  • (A) No human is intelligent: This contradicts the original statement by implying that all humans are not intelligent, which is not supported by the statement "Some humans are intelligent."
  • (B) All humans are intelligent: This makes a stronger claim than the original statement and cannot be inferred with certainty based on "Some humans are intelligent." It's possible that only some specific subset of humans are intelligent.
  • (C) Some non-humans are intelligent: The original statement only focuses on humans and doesn't provide any information about non-humans. Therefore, we cannot draw any conclusions about their intelligence based solely on the information given.

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