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66 votes
66 votes

Match the following:
$$\small{\begin{array}{|ll|ll|}\hline \text{E.}  &  \text{Checking that identifiers are declared before their use} & \text{P.} & \text{$L \: = \: \left\{a^nb^mc^nd^m \mid n\: \geq1, m \geq 1\right\}$} \\\hline \text{F.}  &  \text{Number of formal parameters in the declaration of a } & \text{Q.} & \text{$X\: \rightarrow XbX \mid XcX \mid dXf  \mid g$} \\ \text{} & \text{function agrees with the number of actual parameters} \\ \text{} & \text{in a use of that function} \\\hline \text{G.}  &  \text{Arithmetic expressions with matched pairs of } & \text{R.} & \text{$L\: = \left\{wcw\mid w \: \in \left(a\mid b\right)^* \right\}$} \\ \text{} & \text{parentheses} \\\hline \text{H.}  &  \text{Palindromes} & \text{S.} & \text{$X \: \rightarrow \: bXb \mid \:cXc \: \mid \epsilon $} \\\hline  \end{array}}$$

  1. $\text{E-P, F-R, G-Q, H-S}$
  2. $\text{E-R, F-P, G-S, H-Q}$
  3. $\text{E-R, F-P, G-Q, H-S}$
  4. $\text{E-P, F-R, G-S, H-Q}$
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4 Answers

Best answer
59 votes
59 votes

H-S is true because strings generated by this grammar satisfy the definition of an even length palindrome string. This rules out B and D options.

G-Q is confirmed as both options A and C has it as true.

E-R is true because R is the only grammar that checks: what$(w)$ has occurred earlier is present afterwards. This equals the definition of E

Hence, option C is true.

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9 votes
9 votes

The Answer is C

We can match H-S just by checking the grammar we can generate all the even lenght palindromes

So we left with option A and C(only in these options H-S matched)

In both the cases G-Q so we left with matching for E and F

For E the grammar should check the identifiers are declared before their use So R is more accurate since the grammar is

L={wcw ∣ w∈ (a∣b) } where w is occured earlier and then it is used which matches with checking declaratation of identifiers

and also E-P makes no sense 

Therefore we can conclude C. E-R, F-P, G-Q, H-S

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7 votes
7 votes

In the programming languages, the “correctness” of a program is in terms of “syntax” as well as “semantics”.

  • Syntax: the form or structure of the expressions, statements, and program units
  • Semantics: the meaning of the expressions, statements, and program units

The syntax related features are captured by Context Free Grammars i.e. Context-free grammars are often used to define the syntax of programming languages.

There is a level of correctness deeper than syntax (grammar).



All these errors in the above picture are “Semantic errors”. None of them can be captured using CFGs.

Using CFG, we cannot capture some Context-sensitive aspects of the syntax of a language, such as checking that an item has been declared before use and that the use of the item is consistent with its declaration.


$\color{red}{\text{The following Errors can Not be captured using CFGs:}}$

About names:
1. Is $x$ a scalar, an array or a function?
2. Is $x$ declared? Are there names declared but not used?
3. Which declaration of $x$ does each use reference?
About types:
4. Is the expression $x*y+z$ type-consistent? (Type Checking)
5. In $a[ i , j ,k]$, does $’a’$ have three dimensions?
6. How many arguments does a function take? What about printf ?
About memory:
7. Where can $z$ be stored? (register, local, global heap, static)
8. Does $*p$ reference the result of a malloc()?
9. Do $p$ and $q$ refer to the same memory location?

10. Is an array access out of bound?

11. Where should a variable be stored (head, stack,…)



Types and Declarations: Done in Semantic Analysis.

A large part of semantic analysis consists of tracking variable/function/type  declarations and type checking.

In many languages, identifiers have to be declared  before they’re used.  As the compiler encounters a new declaration, it records the type information assigned to that identifier.  Then, as it continues examining the rest of the program, it verifies that the type of an identifier is respected in terms of the operations  being performed.  For example, the type of the right side expression of an assignment statement should match the type of the left side, and the left side needs to be a properly declared and assignable identifier.  The parameters of a function should match the  arguments of a function call in both number and type.  The language may require that identifiers be unique, thereby forbidding two global declarations from sharing the same name.  Arithmetic operands will need to be of numeric—perhaps even the exact same type (no automatic int­to­double conversion, for instance). These are examples of the things checked in the semantic analysis phase.


Static Semantic Errors: 




Classes of Errors:


A context-free grammar is a set of recursive rewriting rules (or productions) used to generate patterns of strings. Context-free grammars are often used to define the syntax of programming languages.


3 votes
3 votes
The grammar in S {X $\rightarrow$ bXb | cXc | ϵ} derives all even length Palindromes, So H matches with S.

F matches with P, Number of formal parameters in the declaration…. matches with {L={ $a ^{n}$ $b ^{m} c ^{n} d ^{m}$ | m,n >=1}
Since, $a ^{n}$ $b ^{m}$ corresponds to formal parameter (if n=2 and m=1, and “a” is int type and “b”is float type, then it means (int,int,float)) and $ c ^{n} d ^{m}$ corresponds to actual parameter used in function.

Similarly other two can also be argued by their reasons, but with F matches with P and H matches with S implies that option C is the only correct option.

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