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14 votes
14 votes
A complete graph on $n$ vertices is an undirected graph in which every pair of distinct vertices is connected by an edge. A simple path in a graph is one in which no vertex is repeated. Let $G$ be a complete graph on $10$ vertices. Let $u$, $v$, $ w$ be three distinct vertices in $G$. How many simple paths are there from $u$ to $v$ going through $w$?
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3 Answers

19 votes
19 votes
there are 10 vertices in which U and V are initial and final vertices and W is intermediate vertex , so now remaining 7 vertices.

out of which we can select 0,1,2,3,...,7 at a time for simple path.

Case 1: 0 vertices out of 7 are selected then only one path(U->W->V)

Case 2: 1 vertex out of 7 are  selected then there will be 2 simple paths(U1WV and UW1V) =2!

and this vertex 1 may be selected in $\binom{7}{1}$


2 vertex out of 7 are  selected then there will be  3!   

and these vertex may be selected in $\binom{7}{2}$ and so on

Then Total simple paths= 1+ $\binom{7}{1}$ * 2! +  $\binom{7}{2}$ * 3! +  $\binom{7}{3}$ * 4! +  $\binom{7}{4}$ * 5! +  $\binom{7}{5}$ * 6! +  $\binom{7}{6}$ * 7! +  $\binom{7}{7}$ * 8!
10 votes
10 votes
Let us take the three vertices as $(1,2,10)$.

Now the simplest case is when only $3$ vertices are involved , i.e. $(1,2,10)=1$ way
Now we make room for one more vertex $(1, \_ ,2,10)$ or $(1,2,\_,10)$ which can be filled in $7$ ways giving a total of $7*2$ ways
For one more vertex we have $7*6*3$ ways and so on till we have accompanied all the $7$ vertices and along with $2$ a total of $8$ vertices are there with total ordering of $7!*8$

So, to sum it : $1+7*2+7*6*3+7*6*5*4+\ldots+7!*8 $

$\quad \quad = 7P0*1+7P1*2+7P2*3+\ldots+7P7*8$
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