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An interrupt in which the external device supplies its address as well as the interrupt requests is known as

  1. vectored interrupt
  2. maskable interrupt
  3. non maskable interrupt
  4. designated interrupt
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4 Answers

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vectored interrupt is an I/O interrupt that tells the computer that handles I/O interrupts at the hardware level that a request for attention from an I/O device has been received and and also identifies the device that sent the request.

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ans is (a)

A vectored interrupt is where the CPU actually knows the address of the Interrupt Service Routine in advance. All it needs is that the interrupting device sends its unique vector via a data bus and through its I/O interface to the CPU. The CPU takes this vector, checks an interrupt table in memory, and then carries out the correct ISR for that device. So the vectored interrupt allows the CPU to be able to know what ISR to carry out in software (memory).

A non-vectored interrupt is where the interrupting device never sends an interrupt vector. An interrupt is received by the CPU, and it jumps the program counter to a fixed address in hardware.This is literally a hard coded ISR which is device agnostic. MIPS uses this via it’s syscallinstruction, which is the same instruction you use regardless what device, if it is an external event notifier (e.g. keyboard input), a completion signal (e.g. print completion), a clock interrupt to tell the CPU to allocate control to a different device, or an abnormal event indicator (e.g. power failure). The CPU crucially does not know which device caused the interrupt without polling each I/O interface in a loop and checking the status register of each I/O interface to find the one with status “interrupt created”.

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1 votes

Vector in physics represents the directional aspect. Vectored interrupts can tell the CPU what "direction" (device) has caused the interrupt.

Option A

  • Maskable interrupts are low priority interrupts that can be disabled or ignored by the CPU. (Mask = hide; mnemonic)
  • Non maskable interrupts can't be generally ignored by the CPU. (Rough definition)
  • There's no such thing as "designated interrupts"


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0 votes
→ A vectored interrupt is a processing technique in which the interrupting device directs the processor to the appropriate interrupt service routine.

→ A non-maskable interrupt (NMI) is a hardware interrupt that standard interrupt-masking techniques in the system cannot ignore. It typically occurs to signal attention for non-recoverable hardware errors.

→ Maskable Interrupts - Those interrupts whose request can be denied by microprocessor. eg- RST 1, RST2, RST 5, RST 6.5 etc.

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