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3 Answers

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=(2^x )*( x)^(xy)

= 2^3 * 3^(2*3)


Here  x= no.of states and y=no of symbols
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2 votes

The way to get the answer for such questions is as follows:


(i) The first $n$ denotes that any of the $n$ states can be the initial state. Each of these possibilities may lead to a different output and must be considered.

(ii) The term : $n^{n*m}$ can be thought of as follows:

Let $A,B,C$ be the three states. and $0$,$1$ be the input alphabets


The first set denotes the possibilities of transitions that each of the states have on all input alphabets. Every element of the $1st$ set can be mapped to all elements of the $2nd$ set. This is because, a state, on an input alphabet has the opportunity to go to any of the states.

Each element of the first set has $3$ possibilities(to map to $A$ or $B$ or $C$) and there are $6$ such elements. Thus, totally $3^6 = 729$ combinations are possible.

(iii) The $2^{n}$ denotes that any combination of the $n$ states can form the set of Final states.

$Set of final states =$ {{ },$A,B,C,AB,BC,AC,ABC$}


Now, in the given question, start state is fixed. So it can be chosen only in $1$ way.

The $n^{n*m}$ will be $3^{3*2} = 3^6 = 729$

And number of final states will be $2^3 = 8$

$\therefore$ Total number of possible DFAs will be : $1*729*8 = 5832$


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