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Match the software maintenance activities in List-I to its meaning in List-II.

$\begin{array}{clcl}  & \textbf{List-I} && \textbf{List-II} \\ \text{a.} & \text{Corrective} & \text{i.} & \text{Concerning with performing activities to reduce} \\ &&&\text{the software complexity thereby improving} \\&&&\text{program understandability and increasing } \\ &&& \text{software maintainability} \\ \text{b.} & \text{Adaptive} & \text{ii.} & \text{Concerned with fixing errors that are observed} \\ &&&\text{when the software is in use} \\ \text{c.} & \text{Perfective} & \text{iii.} & \text{Concerned with the change in the software that}\\ &&& \text{takes place to make the software adaptable to }\\ &&&\text{new environment (both hardware and software).} \\ \text{d.} & \text{Preventive} & \text{iv.} & \text{Concerned with the change in the software that} \\ &&& \text{takes place to make the software adaptable to}\\ &&&\text{changing user requirements} \\ \end{array}$

$\textbf{Codes :}$

  1. $\text{i-b,ii-d,iii-c,iv-a}$
  2. $\text{i-b,ii-c,iii-d,iv-a}$
  3. $\text{i-c,ii-b,iii-d,iv-a}$
  4. $\text{i-a,ii-d,iii-b,iv-c}$
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3 Answers

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corrective maintenance means fixing bugs or errors.

adaptive maintenance means software adaptable both hardware and software.

perfective maintenance means software adaptable according user requirement.


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