3 Answers

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5 votes

Let  E is the expected no of turn to get first HT.

And E' = expected no of turns when 1st one is head.

Now when 1st one is T, then we just lost our first chance, because to get HT first we need to get H first.

So,  E = 1/2 ( E + 1) + 1/2 ( E' +1 )   ------------------(A)

When we get H in first turn then if we get T in next turn then we reach our destination.

And if again H comes in the next turn then 1st H gets wasted.

So, E' = 1/2 ( 1)  + 1/2 ( E' + 1)

=>  E' = 2.

Now lets put  E' in equation (A),

      E = (E + 1) / 2 + (2 + 1) /2

=> 2E = E + 1 + 3

       E = 4 . (Ans)  

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8 votes
8 votes
Let E be the Expected no of tosses of coin.

we have 2 cases

H(till we not get T) i.e. HT,HHT,HHHT.....

1)Start tossing if we get Tail first (probability=1/2) then we are at the same point where we started except we have wasted 1 flip.

it is represented by 1/2(E+1)

2)Similarly,if we get Head in first toss we have (probability=1/2) but in next toss we are counting till we not get tail(T)

it is represented by 1/2[1/2+1/2(E+1)]
here first term outside bracket indicate probability of getting head first time and in inner bracket first term represent probability of getting tail and second term represent probability we get head and we are flipping again wasting 1 flip.
Putting all three case together we have

E=1/2(E+1)+ 1/2[1/2+1/2(E+1)]


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2 votes
2 votes

I tried to solve above question using the following probability tree diagram.

Probability in each branch is = $0.5$. I double circled the satisfying toss events.
While observing the diagram I noticed that, from 2nd toss onward our required event starts showing up. Additionally,

 1. in the $\text{2nd}$ toss (or the 3rd level) we have one satisfying case.
 2. in the $\text{3rd}$ toss (or the 4th level) we have two satisfying case.
 3. in the $\text{4th}$ toss (or the 5th level) we have three satisfying case.
 4. in the $\text{5th}$ toss (or the 6th level) we have four satisfying case.
 5. etc.

i.e. in the $\text{kth}$ toss we would have $(k-1)$ satisfying case.

$$\begin{align*} E(x) &= \sum_{k=2}^{\infty } k.P(k)\\\ &= \sum_{k=2}^{\infty } k.\left \{ (k-1)*(0.5)^k \right \}\\ &= \sum_{k=2}^{\infty } \left \{ (k^2-k)*(0.5)^k \right \}\\ \end{align*}$$

Uisng geommetric series identity : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_series#Geometric_power_series

$$\begin{align*} \sum_{k=2}^{\infty}k(k-1)x^{k-2} = \frac{2}{(1-x)^3}\ \ \text{for } |x| < 1 \\ \end{align*}$$

In our case : $x = 0.5$ So,

$$\begin{align*} E &= x^2\sum_{k=2}^{\infty}k(k-1)x^{k-2} = \frac{2x^2}{(1-x)^3} \\ \end{align*}$$

putting $x = \frac{1}{2}$   ; we get $E = 4$

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