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Selective repeat protocol requires more sequence numbers than Go-back-N protocol.

True or false?

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for all sliding window protocols sequence no should be greater than or equal to the sum of sender and reciever window size...because

in GBN......we have (N+1) sequence no..because here sender can send with a buffer of N but reciever's buffer is 1 only..means to detect duplicate packets we need to give sender N seq no and 1 more (different) to reciever

in SR we have (Ws +Wr) or u can say (N+N)...means here we require more buffer...more buffer means more sequence nos simply...or u can say we need to give N sequence no to sender and N to reciever...


in GBN...we need (N+1) seq no

in SR...we need 2N seq no....so yes in SR we need more seq no...simply because here reciever window size is not 1 like that of GBN....
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