Recent activity by Anand Vijayan

1 answer
Can someone please explain the math in detail.
6 answers
$G$ is a simple undirected graph. Some vertices of $G$ are of odd degree. Add a node $v$ to $G$ and make it adjacent to each odd degree vertex of $G$. The resultant graph...
9 answers
How many $4$-digit even numbers have all $4$ digits distinct?$2240$$2296$$2620$$4536$
4 answers
A subset $S$ of set of numbers $\{2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10\}$ is said to be good if has exactly $4$ elements and their $gcd=1$, Then number of good subset is$126$$125$$123$$121...
4 answers
Find the odd one in the following group: $\text{ALRVX, EPVZB, ITZDF,OYEIK}$$\text{ALRVX}$$\text{EPVZB}$$\text{ITZDF}$$\text{OYEIK}$
4 answers
The Headmaster ___________ to speak to you. Which of the following options is incorrect to complete the above sentence? is wanting wants want was wanting
1 answer
Find all real solutions of the equation $x^{2} - |x-1| - 3 = 0$
3 answers
If $a, b, c, d$ and $e$ are positive real numbers, then the minimum value of $(a+b+c+d+e)(\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}+\frac{1}{d}+\frac{1}{e})$ is$25$$5$$125$Cann...
1 answer
Prove the following: $3 \; | \;\left ( a^2+b^2 \right )$ if and only if $3 \; | \;a$ and $3 \; | \;b$.
2 answers
Show that any comparison based sorting algorithm can be made stable without increasing its complexity beyond a constant factor.
2 answers
Prove or disprove the following: for finite sets A and B, $\overline{(A - B) \cup (B - A)} = A \cap B$ . If the proposition is incorrect, do minimal modifications to the ...
0 answers
Is it true that if someone had got more than 1 arrear in btech(even if it was cleared) cant get admission to IIIT-Banglore whatever be the GATE score and CGPA?
3 answers
does Random page replacement algorithm suffers from belady's anomaly?
1 answer
0 answers
Is vector calculus in syllabus???? For gate 2017 cse???Topics like gradient, curl, directional derivative, greens theorem, gauss divergence theorem,..... Are they include...
2 answers
What is the variance of random variable X whose value when two fair dice are rolled is X((i,j)) = i + j , where i and j are the numbers appearing on the first and second ...